Virtual Meetings, New And Improved!

Virtual meetings are our new ordinary. Most of us are spending our entire days in front of our computers with colleagues, vendors, and clients. To keep these meetings fresh and exciting, some of us have tried changing our backgrounds or even invited a llama. Virtual meetings are helping us manage our business with face-to-face experiences without health risks. Unfortunately, the meeting experiences are still leaving a bit to be desired, with security issues and functionality not what we hoped. This is why we are pumped about the upcoming updates from Microsoft Teams and news from Zoom.

Microsoft Teams recently announced that their meetings would soon be even more interactive. The functionality and security that Microsoft Teams offers is light years ahead of its competitors, but it has only allowed up to 4 participants on a video meeting. This led to frustration as organizations across the world are all attempting to work remotely. Four participants were not enough. Luckily, Microsoft has moved this update up and will soon be releasing the ability to have up to 9 participants on a Teams video at one time. We are thrilled with this update as the collaboration and security measures within Teams makes it the ultimate choice for virtual business meetings.

From the onset of our “Stay at Home” stent, Zoom meetings have been a crowd favorite. Unfortunately, many security issues were quickly discovered leaving meeting participants vulnerable and hundreds of thousands compromised. Although Zoom still has a lot farther to go, a couple of enabled features have made the calls more secure. One of these features is automatically enabled passwords. Beginning on April 5, all Zoom meetings, if not accessed through a specific link, require a password. The other feature now enabled is waiting rooms. This allows the host to view participants before they enter the meeting and selectively allow or deny entry. Both features help prevent “Zoombombs” where outside participants easily drop into already active sessions after easily finding meeting IDs. Zoombombs expose legitimate meeting participants to dangerous vulnerabilities. These updates are a step in the right direction. Zoom has vowed to fix the remaining security flaws, but be aware, there are still susceptibilities currently within Zoom meetings.

These announcements and updates could not happen soon enough. The novelty of the virtual meeting has worn off, and we all want these platforms to allow us to work as securely and efficiently as possible. To learn more about how to make sure your remote work as secure as possible, contact our Pendello Solutions team today. Our team has the solutions and expertise to help your organization find a productive groove during our time at home.

At Pendello Solutions, we turn technology hurdles into powerful assets. Our technology solutions fuel growth, productivity, and efficiency, through continuous innovation and strategic solutions, empowering your business beyond the imaginable. Contact us today to discover the Pendello Method.


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