When The Old College Library Is Too Far Away, Use “Smart Lookup!”

A quick look at another useful tool brought to you by Microsoft Excel

Gone are the days of trekking to your old college campus to search out the student library to do your research but sometimes we still make our research even more complicated than it needs to be! Instead of opening a new webpage to research data within your excel file, you can actually research, with incredible ease, directly from your excel cells!

This amazing tool by Microsoft is your own personal pocket genius. Within Excel, there is what is called the “insights pane.” It is a drop-down that is powered by Bing and offers much more than just definitions. When you select a word or phrase, right-click it and choose “Smart Lookup.” The insights pane will open with definitions, Wiki articles and top related searches from the web! Without even having to open another page, you can get everything you need directly from your own document. See below for a visual “how-to.”

When The Old College Library is Too Far Away, Use “Smart Lookup

The Smart Lookup is also accessible any time by clicking the “Review” Tab, then selecting “Smart Lookup” and entering a query there.

We all know that we would be much better off if we truly had a pocket genius with us at all times but sadly, that is just not something I can legally hand out. Fortunately, I have an equally helpful option that won’t get any of us in trouble. If a business technology genius is what you need, I luckily know a few. Contact the team at Pendello Solutions. They have all the knowledge you need to get your business running securely and efficiently and their additional non-tech knowledge may also truly surprise you!

At Pendello Solutions, we turn technology hurdles into powerful assets. Our technology solutions fuel growth, productivity, and efficiency, through continuous innovation and strategic solutions, empowering your business beyond the imaginable. Contact us today to discover the Pendello Method.


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