Is It All About The Silicon?

What’s the Silicon Prairie and how does it compare?

We’ve all heard of Silicon Valley. The area in synonymous with exaggerated cost of housing, dining and overall living. It has Busy streets and sidewalks and unless you’ve already “made it”, it can be a grinding place to live. Your work life may be the only life you have as you try as hard as possible to be one of the millionaire elite. For years, it has been the only “place to be” if you are trying to make it in the world of technology. Fortunately, many wised-up and many companies like Google shed a little light on these so-called “fly-over” states and we now have what is called The Silicon Prairie!

What is the Silicon Prairie you may ask (or at least I did)? It is the Midwestern area consisting primarily of Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and Iowa where technology start-ups have become common grounds. Until recently, outsiders considered the area flat, baron-land that lacked culture and was only good for growing crops and raising cattle. Now, with much media brought to the area we have now been touted as the “Friendliest Tech Hub,” ever! As people from the area know, our cost of living is low, our schools are fantastic and we are an extremely helpful and friendly group of people as a whole!

Companies like Google (GoogleFiber), Bulu, Banno, and Stackify have made this area their home base and have brought much attention to the area as a place to get your start! Although both Silicon areas are proving to be extremely successful, one primary difference between the two is the type of investor. The attention to business models and true-midwesten work ethic has had to conquer all as the typical silicon prairie investor requires there to be a plan to make money. Many Silicon Valley companies on the other hand i.e. Snapchat and Square had investors who pushed for brand growth instead of revenue and allowed for profit to not be the major focus. The difference is, the companies around here are revenue producers from a much earlier stage because the investors require a plan of profitability not just solely branding. Profitability doesn’t always mean success but it is at least a good start and a great deal of startups in the Silicon Prairie are finding sustainable profitability!

Pendello Solutions is one of these incredible Silicon Prairie area businesses and one that truly takes Midwest hospitality and customer service to heart. If you are looking for a technology business who truly takes as much pride in taking care of their customers as they do in their technology expertise, look no further. Contact Pendello Solutions, this true needle in the haystack will ensure your business is running securely and efficiently and will undoubtedly help you achieve the goals you strive to obtain.

At Pendello Solutions, we turn technology hurdles into powerful assets. Our technology solutions fuel growth, productivity, and efficiency, through continuous innovation and strategic solutions, empowering your business beyond the imaginable. Contact us today to discover the Pendello Method.


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